About Us

Hello! And Welcome to our website.  We love getting to know new people, and here on the About Us page, you can get to know us!

We are The Paved Frontier, but really, we’re just a regular family.  We love traveling, visiting new places, trying new foods, and exploring our great country.  Despite just purchasing our RV, we received orders to far away Guam- which forced us to leave Big Lou stateside while we explore this tiny island in the Pacific.

Read on to learn more about our family:

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Stuart:  He’s the daddy of our clan, active duty military in the Coast Guard, and all around goofy guy.  Stu’s a great husband and fun dad, he likes recording music and playing guitar.  He’s also the one who edits and posts our videos.

Katherine:  She’s the mommy of the bunch.  She works from home part-time and mommies full time.  Katherine has a BA in English and has a passion for literature, reading novels, and creative writing.  Naturally, she does all the blog posts and keeps up with the social media.




Boys faces 2Tristan: The intelligent -almost- 8 year old.  He’s constantly cracking jokes and surprising us all.
He’s a little prankster- usually chasing his poor mom around with geckos he found in the backyard.

Rowan: The 5 year old spitfire, cutie pie who knows he’s cute.  He’s a typical rough and tumble boy who LOVES adventure.  Both boys love the beach, finding bugs and lizards, and soccer.


Archie:  Our 10 year old Chihuahua.  He’s our first baby, and he’s been drug around from place to place with us from the beginning.  He’s content as long as he’s with Katherine- even if he has to travel the world to be with her.


Ullr:  The newest member of our family- Ullr is 2 years old now.  Ullr is an intelligent German Short Haired Pointer.  He loves the wide open backyard at our new house in Guam, finding coconuts, and visit beaches so he can swim with his humans.


Big Lou: The 32 ft.  Thor ACE 30.2.  When we saw this model at an RV show, we just knew this was the one.  This RV has the space, bunks, and look that we needed for our family of four.  Currently, Big Lou is being well cared for by family back on the East Coast.

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